

How To Convert MSAccess Database in to Mysql Database

Step 1.  Download Software From 

Download Access To MySQL Product From 

After Install this software follow this steps .

1) In the first step you are asked to supply the file name of the Microsoft Access Database to convert.
If your Access database requires you to log in you can specify a user name, password and a system database.

2)The destination database and MySQL server connection settings are specified as shown below. You will have the choice of placing the result in a dump file instead of transferring it directly to another MySQL database.

3)You can specify exactly which tables you want to transfer to the destination database. Just check the box in front of each table name you want to transfer and click next.

4)A You can also select not to transfer any records. This will only create the tables in the destination table and leave them empty.
In both Access and MySQL fields can have default values. When creating the tables in MySQL the program can preserve the default values specified in the Access field definition. Also auto number properties of a field can be transferred if you check the Auto number properties box.

The transfer will now run until all the selected tables are transferred. When the transfer is done you will see a small report telling you how much data was transferred.

How to remove {{base_url}} is not recommended type error in magento admin section

{{base_url}} is not recommended to use in a production environment to declare the Base Unsecure URL / Base Secure URL. It is highly recommended to change this value in your Magento configuration.

If this error occur. Then follow these steps

  1. Go to System->Configuration->web
  2. open unsecure,secure Tabs
  3. Put your site's URL in those tabs.
  4. Show this picture
Magento admin panel login not working on localhost

Magento admin panel login not working on localhost

Step1.  Save sessions in the database

 You can accomplish this by editing the file app/etc/local.xml. Make sure you have a good backup of this file, and follow the exact syntax as below.
Locate the line starting with <session_save> and change the word files into db. So the following:
should become:
Save the file and sessions will be saved in the database instead.
Step2. Locate the folder : app/code/core/Mage/Core/Model/Session/Abstract/ and open Varien.php then go to line number 86.
There you will find the below code.
if (!$cookieParams['httponly']) {
if (!$cookieParams['secure']) {
if (!$cookieParams['domain']) {
if(isset($cookieParams['domain'])) {
$cookieParams['domain'] = $cookie->getDomain();
Comment the above code in file and check admin section.