
How to  transfer a local Magento project into  live server

How to transfer a local Magento project into live server

moving files and database

I assume these two steps are obvious:
  1. copy all of your local files to production server
  2. dump your magento local db and import it into your production server db

editing in production server

now on your production server you need to follow these two steps:
  1. edit app/etc/local.xml file and change database info
  2. in production db,in its core_config_data table, you should find every records containing the url of your local installation, then you need to update those values;which can be found with this query:
         SELECT *
         FROM `core_config_data`
         WHERE `value` LIKE 'http://%';

    3. Do not forget to delete var folder contents
    4. it'd better if you remove the content of app/etc/use_cache.ser too 
Use Of Mail function in Php

Use Of Mail function in Php

function send_mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers1, $eMail,$filename)
$headers  = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\r\n";
$uid = md5(uniqid(time()));

$header .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"".$uid."\"\r\n";
$header .= "Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"".$filename."\"\r\n";
$headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n";

// Additional headers
//$headers .= 'To: mail <'.$to.'>';
$headers .= 'From: <'.$eMail.'>';
mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);

// call the function any where & put parameters
define variable
send_mail($toc, $subjectc, $messagec, $headers1, $fromc,'')
How to replace currency symbol OR  Rs with ₹ Symbol in Magento

How to replace currency symbol OR Rs with ₹ Symbol in Magento

Magento by default sets Indian currency as Rs. If you are looking to replace it with the new ₹ Symbol, here is how to get that done.
Open magento_root/lib/Zend/Locale/Data/root.xml in notepad++
find the line which says
<currency type=”INR”><symbol>Rs</symbol></currency>
copy rupee symbol from here ₹ replace Rs Or INR or by ₹ save the file.
Clear cache from admin backend and delete all files inside /var/cache.

How to redirect a category link to CMS page link in Magento

To link up category to cms pages .For example: I create contact page  .
Follow these steps

Step 1) Firstly we create a category contact.
  i) Go to catalog-> manage categories.
 ii)Select Default Category, then Add subcategory under Default category.
 iii) Click on Add categories .
iv)Fill Only general Information Like that

v) then save Contact Us  category.
vi) After save this page select & copy its id , it show on above the page after save it

It's Like ID  31 . Now follow 2nd step

Step 2) i) Go to catalog-> URL Rewrite Management.
ii) Search ID 31 From ID Path  & click on Edit.

iii)Change Redirect From No to Permanent(301) And,Copy the target path  like catalog/category/view/id/31

iv)then save it and Go back URL Rewrite Management.

Step3) i) Click on  ADD URL Rewrite.

ii) Select Custom From create URL Rewrite.
iii)Fill Id path any thing what you want to display in url like , I am using contactpage
iv) Fill  Request path  catalog/category/view/id/31 . hat you have copied target path
iv)Now , Last is Target path , which is our cms page  URL Key  , so for URL Key create a page
  Open link in new tab & create cms page
i)Go to CMS -> Pages & create page
ii)Fill Information & url Key, this url key then used as target path in new url write & paste this url key there. Like that

Then refresh your frontend page & click your category , it works.

Magento product types explained

Magento product types explained

Magento has various product types which all have slightly different functions. It's smart to take them all in consideration before choosing the Magento product type for your items. You probably think like: "Old news!", but before you move on… Do you know the difference between a Magento grouped product and a Magento bundle product?

Magento simple products

A Magento simple product is the most used product type for Magento webshops. This is because it's the most general product type of them all. A Magento simple product should be used for a single item without any specific selectable variations. Think about a coffee cup, a chandelier, a table or whatever.

Magento grouped products

A Magento grouped product should be used for a combination of Magento simple products. Think about a coffee cup that is sold together with a saucer, a silver spoon, a breakfast plate or whatever. You can't define a specific price for a Magento grouped product but you can define a discount amount.

Magento configurable products

A Magento configurable product should be used for a single item with specific selectable variations. Think about a coffee cup obtainable in different colours and sizes, a woman's bag obtainable in different materials, a light boll obtainable in different watts or whatever. Each selectable variation can have its own additional costs.

Magento virtual products

A Magento virtual product should be used for a virtual (not touchable) item. Think about an insurance, a reservation, an extra product guarantee or whatever. A virtual product does not allow selecting a shipping method at checkout simply because there's nothing to ship.

Magento bundle products

A Magento bundle product should be used for a bundle of simple (or virtual) products which are not to be sold separately. Think about a laptop where the customer can choose various items such as hard disk, processor, internal memory or whatever. Each of these items are simple (or virtual) products but can only be sold within the bundle product.

Magento downloadable products

A Magento downloadable product should be used for online software items. Think about an MP3 file, a PowerPoint presentation, a Magento extension or whatever. A downloadable product does not allow selecting a shipping method at checkout simply because there's nothing to ship.