

How to redirect a category link to CMS page link in Magento

To link up category to cms pages .For example: I create contact page  .
Follow these steps

Step 1) Firstly we create a category contact.
  i) Go to catalog-> manage categories.
 ii)Select Default Category, then Add subcategory under Default category.
 iii) Click on Add categories .
iv)Fill Only general Information Like that

v) then save Contact Us  category.
vi) After save this page select & copy its id , it show on above the page after save it

It's Like ID  31 . Now follow 2nd step

Step 2) i) Go to catalog-> URL Rewrite Management.
ii) Search ID 31 From ID Path  & click on Edit.

iii)Change Redirect From No to Permanent(301) And,Copy the target path  like catalog/category/view/id/31

iv)then save it and Go back URL Rewrite Management.

Step3) i) Click on  ADD URL Rewrite.

ii) Select Custom From create URL Rewrite.
iii)Fill Id path any thing what you want to display in url like , I am using contactpage
iv) Fill  Request path  catalog/category/view/id/31 . hat you have copied target path
iv)Now , Last is Target path , which is our cms page  URL Key  , so for URL Key create a page
  Open link in new tab & create cms page
i)Go to CMS -> Pages & create page
ii)Fill Information & url Key, this url key then used as target path in new url write & paste this url key there. Like that

Then refresh your frontend page & click your category , it works.
