

How To Install /Run Opencart in localhost wamp server

To install OpenCart, you first need  download the latest version of the software. OpenCart comes as a ZIP archive, so afterwards you have to extract the archive’s contents into a folder of your choosing.
After extracting it, you’ll see a folder called upload and three text files named install.txt, license.txt, andupgrade.txt.
The install.txt file contains installation notes, license.txt contains the GNU General Public License under which OpenCart is released, and upgrade.txt contains instructions for upgrading an earlier version of OpenCart to the latest version if you’re already using it. The upload directory contains the files you need to upload to your web host.
NOW Copy all the files and folders found in the upload folder to the public directory of your web host. The name of the public directory or wamp (make folder & save all folder & files of upload folder) may vary depending on your host and configuration, but usually it’s named something likepublic_html.
After copying the files, you need to make sure the following files and directories are writable:
To make them writable, make sure the file’s permissions are 666 (rw-rw-rw) and directory permissions are 777 (rwxrwxrwx). You can do this with the chmod command if you have shell access, or easily through your host’s cPanel install.
To do this in cPanel, all you need to do is go the directory that you uploaded your OpenCart files to, right click on each of the file and folder choose “Change Permissions” for the pop up box.
Now create a MySQL database with a new user created and attached to it.
To create a MySQL database, you’ll need to login to your database backend. If it’s a shell, you can then use theCREATE DATABASE command and create a user with appropriate access privileges with GRANT.
If you’re using phpMyAdmin, under Create New Database enter the name of the database you want to create and click on the Create Button. Then to attach a new user to the newly created database, click on the Privileges tab at the top and then click on the the Add New User button. Enter the username, host (most likely “local”), and your chosen password twice. Under the Database then for the user select the None option. Under Global privileges click on the check all link.
After you have done all this, you should open the storefront in a browser to begin the installation wizard. The exact URL will depend on where you’ve uploaded the files; for example, if you’ve uploaded the files to public_html then you would open your domain, like www.example.com. If you’ve created public_files/store and uploaded the files there, then you would open www.example.com/store.
After you have visited the URL of where you uploaded your OpenCart files, you will be shown the first step which is “Step 1 – License”. All you need to do here is accept the GNU General Public License by ticking “I agree to the License” after which you click on the continue button.
The next step is “Step 2 – Pre-Installation”. The pre-installation screen displays all the installation requirements, and PHP settings and extensions. It would also check whether the correct permissions are set for the files and directories. If there are no errors, you can click on the continue button.
The next step is “Step 3 – Configuration”. This is where you enter the database host, the username and password of the MySQL user you created earlier, and the database name.
The next three options, Username, Password, and Email, are for the admin account. This is where you enter the username, password, and email address that you will be using to login to the administrative backend.
A screenshot of the “Step – 3 Configuration” s
creen is shown below.
After you click on the continue button, you’ll be shown the final step, “Step 4 – Finished”. Seeing this means that you have successfully installed OpenCart.
After the wizard is completed, you should delete the install directory from your server. This is the “installation directory” noted in the final wizard screen.
OpenCart installs a sample store during installation, and this is how the sample storefront looks:

But in this article I’m going to delete all of the products, categories, and attributes and do everything anew so that you can see how they are created.


Really good article. Keep writing this kind of informative article.
opencart paketleri
